Mindprints by analise Category:S,MSR, A Archive: Yes, just let me know where Rating:R email:analise@2cowherd.net Posted in full at: http://www.rhino.com/analise Disclaimer:These characters are the property of Fox and 1013. No disrespect intended. -->Note: This is a story that was never going to see the light of a list..but apparently I am unable to abandon anything that I've already written 100+K for. So 7 rewrites later, here it is, thankfully bearing little resemblance to its original form. -->Another note for the medically-knowledgeable: I did a little research on amnesia and the brain for this..but I rapidly discovered that I would need to go to medical school to truly write about what I was trying to say. So. !Creative license alert! here. Forgive my ignorance in the field of Neuroscience. +++++++ The small Honda's exhaust plumed into the frigid January air in a thick cloud of smoke and condensation, the engine choking and chugging as it struggled to idle. The harsh sound of scraping grated across her nerves as she struggled to chip the ice off the windshield. Winter. Winter on the East Coast. It could be worse, she grumped, it could be summer on the East Coast. Some sort of subconscious penance, she supposed. That was why she had not moved out to California yet. It was the only possible explanation for why she stayed in a tiny town like Somerville, why she continued in her low-paying, thankless job, why she lived only 15 minutes away from her mother so that she could subject herself to constant and regular speeches about what she needed to do to improve herself. As a thirty-eight year old single woman with frizzy mud-brown hair and too much extra weight around her hips, there was a lot for her mother to complain about. No. She loved nursing. She even loved her mother. She just hated winter. She paused to pull the thin, ratty wool further up over her numb nose, feeling her breath instantly soak into the fabric. Nothing like an icy scarf to really make a task pleasant, she thought sourly. There. She straightened up, surveying her handiwork. Just enough of the windshield was cleared to see through..the defrost would take care of the rest on the way over to County. She was just turning to go back up the steps of the hospital when the first fat white flake floated innocently from the lead gray sky. Perfect. Picking up her gait, Linda crunched up the steps ..smashing the tiny white balls of sidewalk salt under her boots with absent satisfaction. She pushed into the heated foyer of Somerset Medical Center, pulling off her thick wool mittens as she went. "Ok Meg, I'm ready to go. Where is she?" She said, tromping over to the main desk, feeling the warmth of the indoors immediately soak into her frozen face. Her nose began to run. Another bonus of cold weather. The large woman behind the counter looked up at her with a small smile, adjusting her over-large glasses out of well worn habit. "Any minute now. Jed just went up to get her." She neatly stacked the papers she was working on and paper clipped them, slipping them into a thin manila file marked with colored tabs on the side. She passed the file over to Linda. "Here you go. Just in case the files didn't transfer properly..always good to have hard copy." Linda had to smile. Meg Haines was the epitome of organization..and she still didn't trust electronic file transfers. Always with the paper copies. The people over at Essex County Hospital must really love her, she thought wryly. Extra data entry for them. She accepted the file without argument, her eyes scanning the name written along the side tab. Jane Doe. Where had that term come from? It was obviously the female version of John Doe..but how did that particular moniker end up as a label for the lost? Why not John Smith? Or better yet, Joe Smith. So that would make her..Jane Smith, not Doe. Her aimless thoughts were interrupted by the sound of footsteps. Jed Williams, the beefy third floor intern, was leading a small slender woman engulfed in a huge men's leather jacket across the foyer towards her. Pale, perfect skin marred only by a lurid puckered scar across her forehead that seemed as out of place as a rodeo clown at a ballet. A tiny slim patrician nose perched over a set of the most doll-like cupids bow lips she had ever seen. The porcelain face was framed with copper-red hair cut in an elegant, smooth cap that fell to just below her delicate jawline. And the eyes. It was the eyes that were the most arresting. Large cornflower blue orbs coolly surveyed the room, taking in her surroundings..drinking it in as if she were very carefully grasping for something, anything to anchor herself to. Those eyes projected icy control, but even Linda could see the fear and uncertainty that coiled just beneath the surface like an infestation of vermin. "Jane?" Linda walked forward, holding out her mitten-free hand, "I'm Linda Garland." She smiled in her most reassuring manner, introducing herself for the first time to a woman she'd already become intimately acquainted with in the ICU. The oddities of nursing. "I'll be taking you to the State Mental Hospital over in Essex County.." The woman nodded firmly in acknowledgment, solemnly taking the proffered hand and shaking it tenderly. Her hands were still healing..they had been done most of the damage in the accident..her hands had been raw bloody rags when she'd been brought in. Now they were wrapped in a soft skin of bandages that hid the fact that her fingertips..her ID cards..were flayed almost to the bone from their trip through the windshield. "Linda. It's nice to put a name to the face." Jane said, her delicate chin raising. "I haven't gotten the chance to thank you.." "No need for thanks.." the nurse replied, her smile giving lie to her words. She loved to be appreciated. It seemed that most patients simply took nurses for granted. She was a little surprised the woman had even noticed her. The patient had been in a coma through most of her care, and when she had awoken, she'd been groggy from the pain killers. "Do you have everything?" Linda asked, the smile remaining on her lips as she leaned down and tried to pick up the small cardboard box Jed had set next to Jane. The woman forestalled her by picking it up herself and nodding firmly. "What little I have, yes." "Well then, your chariot awaits." Linda grinned. "Such as it is." The nurse pushed open the door and a gust of freezing air clawed at them with icy fingers, reaching up noses to spike the moisture in their throats..making it hard to breathe. She watched out of the corner of her eye as Jane pulled the over large jacket up around her face and trotted awkwardly down the steps to the idling Honda, her oddly shuffling gait speaking of injuries under her swaddling clothes that she couldn't quite fully disguise. The snow was coming more quickly now and Linda switched on the headlights in the thickening fall. It was late in the afternoon and the way her aging car drove it would likely be night before they got to State. The interior of the Honda was blessedly warm and she could see Jane rubbing her bandaged fingers together gently, pale knuckles bearing signs of crusty healing scabs. The woman was lucky she'd retain full use of them. Lucky in general. Amnesia or not, she was still alive. Linda pulled into traffic, the tires crunching and crackling through frozen slush and the windshield wipers setting up a tempo against the falling flakes. Against her will, she recalled the state that Jane had been in when she'd arrived at Somerset over 4 weeks ago with a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold. The petite redhead had been a mass of bloody wounds from the terrible car wreck she'd been extracted from. Linda'd overheard Lyle, the EMTwho'd driven the ambulance to Somerset, describing the car as being wrapped around a tree like a newspaper in a windstorm. He'd guessed the car had been going over 80 on the slick roads. The driver had not survived. A man so badly mangled that he'd been unidentifiable. From what they had been able to determine, the car had hit a patch of black ice on the wide corner before the highway crossed the river and had spun off the road like a top, smashing into the tree it was still melded with. A check had shown that the car had been stolen not far from the accident. What they found even more disturbing than the crash was the fact that not all her injuries could be explained by it. Geena, the nurse on duty in the ER had told her in a whispered tone that the EMTs had had to cut handcuffs off her wrists and that her ankles showed similar signs of being bound. It was really no surprise to anyone who'd seen her condition upon arrival that, by the time she'd come out of her coma, she exhibited all the signs of classic amnesia. The worst part of it all was that with no ID on her..and only wearing jeans, a bloody T-shirt and a man's leather jacket, they had no idea how to contact any family or friends she might have to help her through her ordeal. The woman was alone in more ways than just inside her mind. More problems sprang from her condition once she was awake. Her lack of money or insurance was an issue that sadly became more important than her amnesia. Her ruined hands could not give the authorities fingerprints..and it became an issue of waiting until her hands healed enough to provide that vital information since the local sheriff had few resources to draw on for this sort of thing. To make things worse, a few days after she'd awoken..she'd begun to have the seizures. The young woman had been so clearly still in need of medical attention...attention they couldn't give her for free. The catatonic states lasted anywhere from 2 minutes to 2 days, and they simply couldn't release her onto the streets in her condition. The answer was simple..and unpleasant. New Jersey ran a profit-free program for indigents and homeless people through the state mental facility out in Essex County. As much as Linda hated putting *anyone* out in that under-funded, poorly staffed hospital..there were just no other options. Certainly, no matter how fond of the mystery woman she had become, she couldn't afford to take on her expenses just to keep her at Somerset. And so, feeling somewhat like the guy who has to take his dog out into the woods to be shot because it's too old and sick, she went...taking Jane with her. The woman was silent for the first hour of the drive, and Linda was too busy navigating the snow and ice of the poorly plowed county road to try to draw her out. It was only after they had emerged onto the highway and the sun was long down, that her passenger spoke. "None of this looks familiar." her words were quiet as she looked out at the white world of falling snow. Linda could hear a quivering of grief and lonliness fraying the edges of her control. "Can't you remember anything at all?" Linda asked, pulling to a stop at a lonely light..the red glowing in the blackness of the newly settled evening. The woman did not look at her. She knew that Jane had been asked that question before, many times. That hypnotists and therapists and psychologists had all tried to find answers in her psyche.. and they'd failed. " When I go into those...seizures...I remember things.. as I'm sure you know. I think I know who I am then..but I can't really hold on to any of it when I come out." She shook her head. "The things I do remember seem so fantastical...monsters and conspiracies..people out to get me.." She refused to look at Linda, and the nurse could tell she was embarrassed. There was a small self-depricating grin on her face that held no humor, only bitterness. "There is one thing that remains constant..I remember this man. I think...I think he cares for me." her flawless forehead was crinkled in concentration. "I can almost see him...I can almost.." she cut off, closing her eyes. The light turned green, but instead of accelerating Linda let the car sputter at an idle and turned to place a hand on Jane's knee. "It's all right. Don't worry." Useless platitudes. " It will all come back." Linda added the last, knowing it was a lie..and knowing that Jane knew it was a lie. But, surprisingly,the redhead nodded, accepting it. The car started forward again and Jane's delicate-yet-husky voice seemed to float through the compartment. "He's touching me sometimes. Other times I can feel emotions I can't identify. Love, despair, I don't know...something powerful." The soft, almost dreamy words added an otherworldly atmosphere to the dusky, diffuse light of the interior of the Honda. She shook her head, white-wrapped hands coming up to rub her eyes. "Whoever he is, he's the only thing that seems to be a constant in the visions and in my dreams..and I don't even know if he's real..or if he represents something...I just don't know." The words sounded worn, as if she had repeated them many times...to the doctors...to herself. Her voice was thin, but still strong, resounding with private tears long spent on the frustration of her missing identity. Linda refocused her attention through the slightly fogged windshield, rubbing away some of the condensation with her mittened hand, and silently vowing to get the defrost fixed for once and for all. The snow was falling hypnotically in the high beams of the Honda, making it look like they were hurtling through a void of white flecks. Jane had stopped talking, and Linda glanced over at her instinctively. The slender woman had gone rigid, her blue eyes wide as saucers, her lips parted with a gentle relaxation that was totally out of place on her frozen face. The car slid a little as she skidded to a stop on the shoulder, the tires grinding and crunching in the frozen snow and slush that was piled on the side of the road. Linda grabbed the thin shoulders, feeling the fragility of the bones through the overlarge jacket...the taut muscles of the woman's arms. Jane's face was eerily empty. "Jane? Jane? Can you hear me?" Linda had seen Jane go into these states before. The doctors had termed them flashbacks because she *seemed* to be replaying some event from her life. "JANE!" Linda knew the doctors didn't like to bring her out of these states violently..but the car was no place to have an attack. She slapped her. It seemed to work. The redhead was still for a moment, and then her eyes flicked up at Linda's ..a little confused. She looked down at her hands, turning them gently, staring at the thick bandages as if for the first time. "I'm sorry about that." Jane's words were quiet..one step above a whisper. "Do you remember anything from this one?" Linda asked softly, her hand still on Jane's shoulder, relieved that she was alert again. "As far as I'm concerned, I was sitting here talking to you and then you slapped me." her voice was back to its normal calm again, her face composed and cool. Linda nodded, sitting back in her seat. She gave a tentative grin. "I tend to do that a lot." she said wryly. "That must be why I can't keep a steady boyfriend. In the middle of conversations I'll just lean over and bitch slap the guy." She was rewarded with a small chuckle, and relieved, she put the Honda back into gear and pulled back onto the highway. "I can see how that might make you unpopular.." Jane said, smiling a little smile that didn't reach her eyes. "You have no idea honey.." It was only a few minutes more and the brick gate of State Mental loomed ahead in the shine of her headlights. She could see the garishly lit fluorescent guard booth at the entrance setting the surrounding snow aglow with a bluish halo. "Here we are," she said in the sudden silence, glancing over at Jane again. Her passenger had turned her pretty eyes towards the gate and the well-lit '60s architecture of the hospital beyond. The blue gaze was unreadable. Linda waved at Gary and then the gate was swinging open and the car was heading up the long drive. ++++ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Hands. Gentle and yet harboring a strength only hinted at. Long tapering fingers, elegant wide palms, a scattering of small dark hairs on the backs. They stroked her ribs, slipping along her side leaving a fiery trail behind them, bringing her skin to flushed, aching life. They moved, cupping her breasts, the center of his palms ever-so-lightly brushing her nipples into tingling tightness. They climbed, worshipping her, touching her like she was made of spun glass, of precious rare crystal..skimming the white column of her throat and settling to cup her face between them. A gasp puffed gently from her mouth and she let her own slender fingers reach up to cover his, stroking the delineation of his knuckles, tracing fingertips along the sweet curve of his wrist. A sharp trilling jarred through the poetic silence of the motel room, stilling hands and mouths and touches. She watched his lips curl in a resigned smile. They let their kiss linger briefly and then she was rolling out of the bed, glimpsing fragments of ugly brown carpet and a riot of bedspread pattern before targeting her discarded trench. She fumbled within its ruined folds, grimacing at the now muddy remains of the once new overcoat. Kneeling naked in the dirty early morning light, her fingers closed around her cellular and opened the connection. She could feel his eyes admiring her from the bed, but the distant squawking words in her ear had calmed her body's desires. She could feel the cool strength of her shields settling around her shoulders. She could feel *him* take note of it and become aware without even turning her head to look at him. Good news. She clicked off the phone and turned to find him pulling on his clothes with a speed that told her he already knew that their quarry had been found just from her body language. A language he had spent the past year doing intensive personal study on. She followed suit, pulling on jeans and T-shirt, knowing that her good clothes were in the same terrible muddy state as her overcoat. He tossed her his leather jacket as they left the motel room and she huddled gratefully into its fragrant warmth. The world was bright with new snow even in the predawn light. The parking lot was still unplowed and it took them a few moments to clear the rental car of piled drifts. She glanced over at him, her eyes conveying concern, her mouth moving around words of urgency and speed. He nodded, his own feelings written in his eyes. They had to hurry. There was little time. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// And she woke up. She didn't even wait for her breath to slow. She lunged for the pad of paper she kept by her bed and awkwardly began to scratch down in a shaky hand the vision that was already fraying and scattering like dry leaves in the wind even as she wrote. Impressions only. Making love. Beautiful mouth. Motel. Snow. And it was all gone. She stared at the alien words she'd just penciled on the lined paper, trying to conjure back some of the imagery. But there was nothing. It meant *nothing* to her. Everything she'd been grounded in so strongly just moments before was scattering to the four corners of the room, breaking apart like the ashy remains of burnt paper. She refused to let the frustration claim her. Setting the pad down, she slipped her bare legs out of the bed to rest on the cold stained linoleum floor. Moonlight was streaming in the barred windows and she quietly padded across the small distance to the shatterproof glass, wrapped fingers coming up to lightly clasp the iron bars. Somewhere in the ceiling a steady drip echoed down rusty, mildewed pipes and the old chipped radiator in the corner moaned and muttered like an old man..providing an endless litany of rheumatic complaints. It kept her company in an odd distant sort of way...letting her feel that something else was as lonely and hurting as she was. The storm had cleared up, leaving wispy tendrils of condensed moisture trailing in the sky, lined in silver by the half-moon that hung directly over the trees. Now a soft blanket of new snow covered everything in a white expanse of pristine clarity. It was achingly serene. She let her forehead fall to rest against the rough chill of the iron. Linda had explained to her that all the windows here were barred and that she shouldn't let it bother her. Inwardly Jane had laughed sadly at the irony. Bars to keep her in. Where would she go? It was not for long, she whispered to herself. Just until her hands healed. The span of time that it would take for her flesh to pull itself back together..her identity resting on the regeneration of tiny ridges and whorls. It seemed a heavy burden for such a small part of her. Linda had apologetically shown her to the bed she was assigned to, clearly embarrassed by the poor quality of the accommodations. The room was indeed both tiny and not-so-clean, but she was grateful that it was private. It would have been much worse if she'd been put in one of the echoing wards. She wasn't sure if her nightly 'visions' were loud, but she didn't want to find out by waking a neighbor with her moans and cries. Nor did she want the dubious company of screams or babbling in the night. And from what she had seen so far, that was the only company she would find here. She and Linda had walked the long halls towards her room..halls spotted here and there with the occasional robed individual standing or sitting against the dirty white cinderblocks, dribbling a stream of unending discourse with themselves or the chipped paint of the walls. The echo of screams and shouting had drifted distantly down long, dreary halls dotted with identical gray doors. The kind, apologetic nurse had left her at the new hospital, clearly regretful, promising to come back often and check on her. She had not known Linda long, but she was a familiar face in this sea of unfamiliar faces. She would look forward to seeing her again. She wondered, and not for the first time, if she did see someone she knew..would she recognize them? Would it be like the vague frisson of deja vu that sometimes played with your sense of reality? Or would that person, that face, blend in with all the others as just another construct of flesh and muscle and bone? She had carefully searched each and every face she'd come in contact with since she'd become aware of her empty memories, but nothing and no one had been anything to her. And of course, there was always the niggling terror in the back of her mind that the next face might be the one that unlocked the horror she knew was lurking in her subconscious. She was torn between the need to know who she was and the fear of discovering whatever it was that she was hiding from herself. She told herself she wanted to remember. But did she? She feared that in the deepest part of her, she did not want to know anything about it. That she was purposely remaining in the dark. She shut her eyes. The catatonic states she slipped into happened almost every night. When she was sleeping, she could categorize them as dreams. Potent, powerfully real dreams that she could never hold on to. She looked forward to them as much as she dreaded them. It was so painful to have everything back, her identity, her knowledge..and then have it taken away again and again. The worst was that while she did not remember anything about them, she took enough away from them to *know* that during them, she was not lost. She walked back over to her bed and bent down to pull a cardboard box out from under the metal frame. Within it were her only possessions. A pair of jeans the nurses at Somerset Medical had worked very hard on to get the blood out of ...and the leather jacket. She pulled the jacket out of the box and sat down on her bed with it. Lifting it to her face, she inhaled deeply, breathing in a scent that was at once familiar and meant nothing. Was this her jacket? This was much, much too big for her, so she doubted it. Did this jacket belong to the man in her dreams? She liked to pretend it did. Was he her husband? Was he looking for her? Did she love him? There was also the possibility that this jacket belonged to the one who had driven the car into the tree and now lay in an unmarked county grave. That last thought brought her to the verge of shivering panic each time she had it. And she didn't know why. She didn't move her face from the collar of the thing as she lay back down, clutching the bulk of it in her arms, smelling the leather mixed with a unique musky odor that was part sweat and part unknown aftershave. She didn't notice when her tears bled onto the leather, and she slowly drifted back to sleep. +++++++ The cracks on my office ceiling are widening. Sometimes I wonder if they will ever become wide enough to swallow me whole. The oatmealy texture of the old decaying sheetrock beneath the peeling paint reminds me of the house that I grew up in. The house in Haleyville. For a moment I am back in the creaking old rooms, running up the uneven attic stairs..playing with my brother in the drafty eaves. Thoughts of Howard bring me crashing back into my own cold world again..feeling the spiderweb of control I wear daily settling back over my shoulders. His blank staring eyes vanish with a shove of ever-weakening control. The door is resounding with a knock that sounds eerily like a death knell. "Come" I call, my voice is admirably firm and steady. Kevin, one of the sideshow freaks that showcases the sad quality of orderlies I am forced to work with, enters leading someone new. I momentarily forget what I was doing..forget that I had been expecting her..forget that her "Jane Doe" file sits under my fingertips on my desk. She is not like the rest. That roiling mass of society's excrement that flows through my doors daily. I, the keeper of such filth, I, who could be a great doctor..renowned in my field, here reduced to such low means. I shake off the familiar clawing hands of my own failures and stand. She is petite and perfect. She is beautiful. "Welcome to Essex." I say, proud of my deep, reassuring voice. My doctor-voice. I hold out my hand and she sets one slim, bandaged set of delicate fingers in my palm. I can see that she is searching my face for clues..for something. I remember, suddenly, her file. Post Traumatic Retrograde Amnesia. Not normally the sort of thing I am used to dealing with. Another wave of bitterness washes through me at the thought of the babbling tide of homeless and drug addicts that lap at my door every day. This one is different. "Please sit..Jane. May I call you Jane?" She fixes me with a look that manages to contain amusement, annoyance and indifference all at once as she lowers herself carefully into the orange vinyl of the chair. "You may call me whatever you like, Dr. Kuelman. I certainly won't argue over semantics." I like her. "Jane then." I sit back behind my desk and flip open the manila file. It is slender. Nothing is known of this beautiful creature. She is a clean slate. I feel the tingle of a thrill crawling up my spine. She could save Howard. She could save me. I look over her charts again. Her cat-scans show normal brain activity, which is good. What is interesting is that she is still showing the symptoms of the Post Traumatic Retrograde Amnesia..and she doesn't seem to be recovering any of the memories she's lost. It has been almost 4 weeks. While that delay is usually a sure sign of serious brain damage, none can be found on any of her scans. That leaves the only option. That she is purposefully repressing her own memories for some reason. Interesting. Already my mind is spinning. A woman like this..she could easily be everything I've been looking for. 12 years in this hellhole of a hospital. Perhaps ...perhaps she would succeed where the others had failed. "Well Jane..I don't know what to tell you.." I clear my throat, tamping down my eagerness..trying to say all the right things. "You should be starting to remember bits and pieces by now. Most PTRA victims start to regain their memories within 2 weeks unless there is brain damage. Since you clearly have no sign of that, we have to assume that you are purposely not allowing yourself to remember." I flip another page, pretending to read what I have memorized already this morning. "These states that you fall into..can you tell me anything about them that is not written here?" "I've been trying to write down what I can directly after the dreams..or 'states' as you call them," she says. Resourceful. "Has it been helping? You need something start building your memories on, Jane. Most amnesia victims have *some* memories. They use those memories like islands..and those islands grow larger and larger with each bit of new information until they meet each other and fill in all the cracks.." I am pleased with how professional I sound. I rarely have the opportunity to speak so coherently to a patient and have them understand me. She is nodding ever so slightly..she has clearly heard this before. "No, doctor. The images that I have recorded so far mean nothing to me." "Can you tell me what you've been writing down?" I ask, curious for no other reason beyond curiosity's sake. I have already decided that she is the one. She takes a deep breath and purses her lovely lips in what I can clearly see is irritation. I suddenly feel annoyed. Perhaps it is her ever-so-slightly superior attitude..as if she knows better than I what is good for her. I am the doctor, she is the patient. I ask a question. She answers me. "All right." She lowers her eyes to a pad she produces from her robe pocket with a tiny jerk of her elegant eyebrows. "So far I have: green ice, red eyes, forest, rain, basement, tattoo, microchip, vampires, pizza, corn field, bees, motel, snow..." She delivers a long string of words to me in a voice that borders more and more on the insolent. As if she is trying to let it be known that she already *knows* these words are of no help to her...and certainly not to me. When she finishes reading off the list, I suspect that there are a few she's omitted, but I don't push her on it. I don't want to help her remember, I remind myself. It will be easier if she doesn't remember.. I also refrain from any expression of anger at the way her attitude has turned suddenly contemptuous. I am pleased by my self-control. "Well, Jane, I don't know what to say. The only one who can really help you at this point is *you*. It sounds to me like your 'visions' are not actually any kind of memories or even reality..but simply a fantasy construct of some kind. Perhaps set up to protect your real memories." I flip the file shut and sit back in my old squeaking chair. "I'd suggest some associative thinking..perhaps that will give us some clues." Good time-wasting techniques. I can already tell that it will be no simple thing to unlock her memories. "You mean Rorschach tests?" she asks, one eyebrow climbing up her forehead. I frown. She is very quick and she seems to know a little bit about my field. I will have to be careful. "Yes. Ink blots, or maybe word association." She sighs softly and nods. Almost defeatist now. "I have some medication that I think will help." I say carefully. Howard appears abruptly in the corner and I school my features to remain neutral. I want to shout at him to go away..to drive my letter opener between those staring eyes. I can feel the blood lapping at my feet, surrounding my desk. A single bead of sweat tracks its way down the side of my face. Some days I am able to ignore him and other days I just want to kill him. Jane is silent. She doesn't seem to notice the death that is carefully filling the room. Perhaps she is simply brave. And then it is gone. My brother leaves. The blood retreats. Good. He is visting me more frequently. I wonder what that means. Perhaps it means that I am closer to success. I hope so. His appearance here..with Jane..it is a good sign, I think. She will help me. She will be my salvation. And I will finally save him. ++++++ ++++++++ Even with the fading damage of the accident, the woman was startlingly lovely. If Linda hadn't feel so sorry for her, it was likely that she'd have to hate her on principal. She dragged a hard plastic chair up to the side of the bed and sat down in it gratefully. "I have to say..I would kill myself before I did THAT commute every day. This place is just too damned far away." Linda complained. Jane smiled softly at her from where she sat on top of the bed. She was wearing her hospital-issue pajamas, but she had the leather jacket she'd been found with draped over her shoulders for warmth. Linda did not comment on the fact that Jane turned to bury her nose in the collar every so often. "What brings you all the way out here then?" Jane asked, her blue eyes glinting with the afternoon light that sparkled off the snow outside the window. Linda could see the pleasure that her visit had brought the younger woman. "You only dropped me off a week ago." "You..obviously." Linda grinned. "Just wanted to see how you were taking it out here in the boonies." She raised her eyebrows, "Any cute orderlies I should know about?" Jane chuckled softly and looked down at her whitely swaddled hands. "Not really. I think most of these guys would be better off guarding a shopping mall...or maybe a donut shop. One of them actually has a hump." Linda laughed. She'd run into a fine specimen of her own on her way in. The guy looked like he ate at McDonalds for each and every meal. "And how are you doing?" "I think it's getting worse." she looked directly up at the older woman, Her eyes speaking volumes, her softly rough voice was swimming with undercurrents of fear. Linda could tell that the lack of control over her own life was almost worse than missing memories. Both women remained silent for a span of moments, neither sure what to say next. They were spared further conversation when a nurse entered the room with Jane's medication. Linda refrained from peeking to see what they were giving her..but she guessed that they were sedatives. It was her experience that state hospitals would often sedate people with problems like Jane's just because they had no time or real resources to do much else. It bothered her a great deal. After the nurse left, Linda finally reached into her pocket ..pulling out the item that an intern had given her the day before. "Jed, you might remember him, he found this in the ICU, we were wondering if it was yours." She opened her fingers to reveal the delicate golden chain of a necklace, the tiny cross lying flat across one of her fingers. Jane's eyes widened as she looked at it and slowly, reverently lifted it up with one hand into the light. "It *is* mine...I'm sure of it." she whispered. "I can't say how I know that...but I can see myself wearing it." "You're Catholic then?" "I..I guess so." she bent to undo the much-repaired clasp, her red hair falling to obscure her face as she fiddled with it. Linda crawled up onto the narrow cot with her, lifting her hair away from her nape and clasping it shut herself. Jane sat with her hand over the thing for a little while, her eyes closed, as if she were trying to speak to it...trying to find out what it knew of her. A moment later she looked up at Linda, a smile on her face. "Thank you. Somehow this ...helps. It's like proof that I exist in the world." she tilted her head to the side. "You know what I mean?" Linda nodded, pulling back to sit down in her chair. "I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes you just have to have something. Anything. You need to know that your entire existence isn't just some character in a story...or a thought dreamed up by someone else. You need something solid." She smiled at the younger woman. Jane looked at her and Linda wondered what was going through her mind. How would it be to have everything that made you the person you were ..taken from you? It would be like being set adrift. No ties to friends or family or loved ones. Nothing at all. She sighed. It was depressing..being near Jane. It was like she wore her sorrow like a cloud...a cloud you couldn't help breathing in when you came close. "I talked with the Sheriff the other day..you know, just to keep on him about you." Linda frowned at the memory. "He made up some shit about being busy, but I could tell that he hasn't even checked with the State Patrol or the Police in New Jersey. I think he figures why waste his time when he can just wait till your fingers heal and find out who you are the easy way." She shook her head. "And at this rate, I'm inclined to agree. Besides, our Sheriff Lloyd isn't good for much of anything...besides drinking and beating his wife." She paused when she saw Jane's eyes blink blearily. Her suspicion that the woman had been given sedatives was bearing out. "I have to go Hon. Look, try and rest. Maybe your body just needs to heal before your mind can." Jane nodded, stifling a yawn. "Thanks, Linda..thanks for my necklace.." She reluctantly got to her feet. She had duties back at the hospital. She and the lost woman exchanged a long glance and then she was touching her on the shoulder and walking out the door. +++++++ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// The car moved through the quiet of the predawn streets with an urgency born of long weeks of searching and the promise of closure. She could see the frightened face of 22 year old Patty Hanson in her mind's eye and she knew the feelings of helplessness and fear she must be going through. She'd been there herself more than once. Patty was still alive, she had to be. She felt a touch on her knee and she looked up at him, losing herself in the confidence she gained simply by meeting his autumn gaze. He believed that they would find her in time. His belief was often strong enough for both of them. His words were of encouragement and a declaration that there was no time to wait for the backup to come once they got there. She agreed with certitude, knowing that the girl was living on a running timer. Each minute that passed could mean her life..or even her sanity. James Kirlow was not gentle with his victims. She did not want to wait, she wanted to reach the end of the bloody trail they had been following for so long. Flouting convention and regulation was something they did. It was part of who they were. It was demanded from the situation. The run-down apartment building loomed in the dim light of the pinkening sky, the parking lot they pulled into was quiet and covered with the thick snowfall of the previous night. Streetlamps flickered unevenly along the sidewalks as they both drew their weapons and began to move stealthily through the drifts that had piled up along the side of the tenement their quarry had been tracked to. Following the somehow ominous sweep of her partner's black overcoat, huddling in the thin warmth of the over large jacket, she moved quietly up the back stairs. Apartment #35. That's what the Baltimore detective had told her on the phone. The police were on their way, but it would be at least another 10 minutes before they arrived. She felt his eyes on her and without words they quietly agreed which side of the hall each would take. Coming out of the stairwell into the filthy hallway, she mimicked his easy, graceful movements along the opposite wall. #35 was at the end. They passed by gaping doorways..apartments that had been long abandoned. Apartments that had become refuges for homeless and transients. Rats scuttled in the strengthening morning light, scattering through trash piles and leaving tiny tracks in the light dusting of snow that had drifted through the broken windows. She was strongly aware of each of her senses, smells assailed her on all sides..the odor of garbage and urine mixed with the biting cold tang of the icy morning that drifted through the shattered windows of the hall. She could just taste the scent of his cologne from across the hall, the faintest of whiffs of the simple maleness of him. Her ears picked out the distant sound of traffic from the nearby freeway, the scraping of the plow on the street below, the chittering of the rodents in the abandoned rooms..the quiet in and out of his vapor-mist breath. She closed her eyes momentarily, letting her mind clear, preparing herself for the possibility of finding the missing girl in the state they had found the others. Preparing for the possibility that they had been too late to save this one....like with the others. And a frisson of disquiet prickled down her spine. She opened her eyes, finding him, freezing in place. He instantly took note of her, his own gaze meeting hers and understanding that something was wrong. They were nearly to the door..he was poised at the doorknob, gun in hand. A click, an echo. She spun. A figure was silhouetted against the window that opened to the clean air of the outside..a black cutout of limbs and torso against the pink-orange of the dawn sky. The explosion of sound blacked out her hearing for a moment, a strobe flash of light and the tang of gun oil. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw her partner jerk like a puppet whose strings had been yanked. A terrible blossom of crimson red unfurled on his chest, his limbs flailing to either side, his head flying back..his beautiful eyes going wide with shock and pain and the emptiness of broken eggshell. In that moment..that eternally slow moment that she spun to him, her lips forming his name, the featureless figure moved as quickly as a shadow. In the next moment... the one when she let her body come up and away from the sight of her partner's crumpled form..her gun moving to position itself, he struck her. Her world became a study in black. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// "Mulder!" Her scream shattered the dark and she sat straight up, bolting out of the formless black of her comfortless memories.. her heart beating hard enough to pound out of the fragile shell of her ribcage. Her shaking hands reached for the notepad, her fingers clawing to write the name, her head spinning, her cheeks wet with tears. After she'd scrawled out the word, she bent over the pad and sobbed..huge, gutwrenching gasps..her nose and eyes bleeding salt and snot as she cried. She was losing it ..losing it all. She grasped for the remnants of the dream with flayed fingertips, trying to remember his face, his eyes, who he was..so important. But then it was gone..leaving her the shards of her grief, but not the understanding behind it. And she was left with a name on a lined piece of paper, the image of a dead body and the ghost of a gun in her hand. After an eternity in which she wept softly to herself..simply from the ache of a pain that she couldn't pin a source to, she wiped her soaked cheeks on the end of the blanket and wrapped her arms around her body, goosebumps rippling over her skin in the chilly room. After almost an hour, she moved off the bed in what had become a nightly ritual, leaning down to pull the jacket out of the box. Lying back down with it crushed under her cheek..she was finally able to relax enough to fall back to sleep. ++++++++ Linda pulled her jacket on, grumbling to herself about lazy doctors and how her mother didn't raise her to be no girl Friday. Tugging on her mittens, she clomped down through the lobby, waving to Meg, and pushed out into the frigid air of a Monday that seemed to be shaping up the wrong way. Main St. was only a block away and luckily someone had finally shoveled the sidewalks. Looking both ways, she trotted quickly across the icy crust of the street towards the corner coffee shop, still muttering about spoiled-assed doctors and how they didn't *like* the perfectly good coffee in the break room. No, they had to have Cappuccinos and Mochas and Lattes and what-have-you. They had to have *Biscotti* with their too-good-to-just-be-called-coffees. She pushed into the diner accompanied by the sound of the little bell over the door and a gust of extra-cold morning air. Tromping her feet to drive out the chill that had seeped through her clothes just from the brief trudge across the street, she pulled herself up onto a stool at the counter and waited for Pat to appear. Glancing to her left, she made a quick scan of the occupants of the diner and her eyes snagged on a man a few seats down the row. He had a head full of glossy dark hair, and he wore a long, black expensive-looking trenchcoat..not the sort of thing you often saw in Somerville. But what caught her attention most fully was the fact that he was arrestingly beautiful. Not her type at all, she tended to like men who weren't so obviously more attractive than she was ...but yeah, beautiful was a word that worked. Funny. Usually a nose like that would mar a face as pretty as his, but in this guy's case, it only added character and charm and masculinity to spare. Maybe it was the mouth. Damn, but guys weren't allowed to have lips like that. This fella would be someone to take home to mom irregardless of the fact that he looked drawn, unshaven and exhausted. She imagined that he was on his way through town to some high-powered business meeting on the coast and hadn't had time to shave. Hmmph. Good dresser. Attractive. He was probably gay. She flicked her gaze away from him before he noticed her staring and began tapping her fingers on the countertop. Where the hell was Pat? She could just see the woman's white-bunned head through the order window in the kitchen. She felt her eyes sidling sideways again, and this time he was looking back at her with mottled multi-hued eyes. Busted. She cracked a weak smile and snapped her gaze back to the counter, slightly mortified. Brother. This was why she didn't date attractive guys. Too much goddamned pressure. Pat saved the day by bustling back out from the kitchen. "Hey sweetie, the big boys want their Lattes?" she asked, adjusting her glasses on her nose and leaning against the opposite side of the counter. "Yeah." she twisted her lips and finally yanked her mittens off her hands, remembering that she was angry. "Just give me 3 Lattes, one with skim milk and an extra large mocha. Oh..and I want a handful of those Biscotti too.." she slumped back in the counter chair with a sigh. "I don't know how I get volunteered for this shit." she grumped. "It's coz they know you won't say no dear." The older woman bustled her large bulk over to the Cappuccino maker, turning her back on Linda. "Excuse me." Oh god, his dark voice gave her the shivers. She turned to look at him. Umph. He was even better looking straight on than he was in profile. He was moving..pushing a map towards her on the counter. She forced her eyes from his face to the overly-folded, worn map of New Jersey. "Do you know where ..exactly.. the state patrol is headquartered? I know it's around here somewhere.." he lifted his eyebrows in an expression meant to apologize for bothering her. She pulled the map to her with a frown. It was just outside town..she knew that much. She tapped her fingertip on the line of Hwy. 22 that skirted the edge of Somerville. "I think it's out here. Just get back on Main St..and at the next major intersection..take a right." Her nail traced a line along the paper roads. "You'll pass the cemetery on your right..just keep going. Eventually it will hit 22 and I think they're out there somewhere." She bit her lip, pushing the map back at him. "I'm sorry I can't be more specific." He lifted one hand in a mild, somehow unbearably tired gesture. "No. That'll be fine. I can find it." He refolded the map awkwardly and that was when she noticed that his left arm was in a sling. "What happened?" she asked before she could curb her tongue. She could see now that his shirt bulked out over his heart in a way that spoke of heavy bandaging. She saw him glance at the injury as if for the first time. A brief cloud passed in front of his tired, sad eyes. He didn't speak for a long time. "I..made a mistake." he muttered finally. Darkly. Good one Linda. Now he thinks you're some small-town nosy nellie. Pat set a big bag on the counter in front of her just then. "Six dollars sweetie." The older woman turned to the stranger. "You need anything else today, Hon?" The man pushed his coffee cup and the remains of a picked-at breakfast of eggs and hash browns across the counter towards her. "No thanks. Just the check. I've got to get going." Linda dug the money Dr. Miller had given her out of her parka and tossed it on the old Formica, pushing herself off the stool and grabbing the big brown bag. "Thanks Pat." she pulled on her mittens and glanced at the dark haired man again. "Good luck. Hope you find it easy. It's out there somewhere." she said. "Thanks..I know." he added the second part softly..almost as an afterthought. And then she was gone, shoving open the door with her shoulder and ducking her head into her collar against the sudden bite of the frigid air. Another fabulous first impression courtesy of Linda Garland, she thought sarcastically as she trotted across the icy street towards the hospital. No doubt he was going to carry that scintillating bit of conversation around with him for the rest of his days. Note to self: Remember this the next time you think about going out with good looking men. She hadn't even asked for his name. ++++++++++ I watch her charts so carefully. I take meticulous notes and make sure that there are witnesses to her every reaction. I will need the verification later. The meds that I'd had the orderlies administer are taking effect. Her 'episodes' are becoming more violent. I'd guessed that they would have escalated on their own, but the homemade drug cocktail I've been giving her is stimulating her Septo-Hippocampal pathways. Her 'dream' states are now causing her to fight the things that she's experiencing in her mind..in some form or other. I love it when things happen as planned. Proof again that my genius does not belong here. That I am better than this place. The Others did not have her initial memory loss, but their dreams had become powerful. Many of them had become sleepwalkers before... ...I do not finish the thought. The Others had been inferior. And this time, the amnesia itself is a key. I am certain of it. Yesterday she struck out at a nurse during an episode and knocked the woman to the floor. It is a good reason to start restraining her at night. It will not be questioned later, and I will be able to quietly start the morphine injections into her Amygdala while she is sedated at night. For once I am glad that I have a staff composed of the leavings of the medical world. I just know that she will be the one that succeeds where the others failed. She is the key to my escape. ++++++ Another endless night alone. Not even her own memories for company. Only terrible, disjointed images that did nothing to comfort..only torment. She lay on her cot, staring with oddly aching eyes at the moonlight-crossed ceiling, chasing down stray tendrils of fleeing impressions..relentless as a hunting dog. Things were becoming so much harder to grab onto. The dead man and the feel of the gun clasped in her fingers haunted her..taunted her with possibilities, and yet her mind seemed somehow incapable of properly connecting the dots. Sometimes she felt that she was even forgetting her time at the Somerset Medical Center mere weeks before. Names and faces were blurring, difficult to retrieve. But the image of his blood splattered body splayed before her was stark in her mind, even though she could not make out his features nor the surroundings he lay in. Splinters of pain lodged in her head as she closed her reddened eyes. Oh God. The grief she had felt had been reduced to the discolored stain of her tears on the notepaper she'd written the name on. It was the only evidence that she had been reduced to sobs a few nights before. The pain was creeping around her, clenching around her muscles and binding her heart in iron claws. She looked down at her loosely restrained hands, imagining blood crusting underneath the bandages...collecting in the soft webs between her fingers..drying in the slim lines of her palm like a reddish spiderweb. No. She squeezed her eyes shut tightly and curled her tender fingers into her palms. What if the dead man that she continued to see in her mind..what if he was the one who had stolen her? Maybe she had killed him. She had been carrying a gun..she was sure of it. Somehow there was something, some shred of hope that wrapped itself around her bleeding soul like a balm.. it told her that the dark hair and autumn eyes would never hurt her. Never. She lay still against the pillows with a shaking sigh. She felt her sore eyes dragging shut with drugged exhaustion. Almost every night since she'd been admitted to Essex, her slumber had been occupied with the catatonic episodes that dominated her life now. It was not real sleep, and she was starting to feel the effects of that lack. How long had it been since she'd simply slept? Why wouldn't her mind let her rest? Wasn't that what the medication was supposed to be for? And the violence. What did that mean? Why was she striking out now? Why was she struggling? The only thing she took to be a good sign was the fact that in the past week, her visions *seemed* to be following more of a linear track..connecting together better..as if they were tracking recent events. The first episodes she'd had all those weeks ago had given her images and flashes of the oddest things. Things she couldn't and wouldn't give any weight to. Men who incinerated with a touch. Creatures that walked through darkened forests with blood red eyes. Vampires without their sharp teeth. Now her dreams seemed to give the impression of focus..and of winter. That alone was a clue to her that they were recent. Over the past three nights, the visions had taken place under gray skies and within white landscapes. And she still had the name. Mulder. She held it to her like a talisman, like a treasured keepsake. Mulder. She said it out loud in the empty room..hearing the unfamiliar ring of her own voice. It sounded so ..comfortable. It held levels and nuances that she was sure had the ability to either set her free or drive her to madness. Her mind was starting to drift again, her weary thoughts giving in to the nebulous arms of sleep, and with a small prayer to whatever gods watched over her that she be allowed to have a full night of rest, she slipped away. +++++ "Are you sure you weren't trying to write 'murder'?" asked Linda, leaning conspiratorially across the table..the notepaper in one hand. They were sitting in the cafeteria eating a bland lunch of chicken soup and bread. They could have been two friends sharing a table at work were it not for the fact that Jane was wrapped in a faded blue terry robe..her hands still swathed in bandages. She knew that she looked terrible. Odd bruises had formed under her strangely tender eyes and her skin was so pale it was nearly translucent. She had seen a faint blue network of veins under the white flesh at her temples when she'd looked into the polished metal bolted to the wall of her room. And thin, she could count her ribs by touch. She looked up at Linda, smiling at her sense of drama and shaking her head. She tried to ignore the faint look of horror that appeared in Linda's face every time the nurse took in her haggard appearance. "I'm sure it's a name. I just don't know if it's a first or a last name. I get the impression it's a first name." She frowned.."But it *sounds* like a last name." Linda shook her head. "Ok. So it's a name. Any other clues beyond that?" She shook her head. She wasn't ready to relay the information about the feel of the gun in her palm or the sight of the blood on his white shirt. If that man was this "Mulder" at all. "I wish I could remember more of the visions," she said for the millionth time as she bit her lower lip in concentration, staring into the murk of her soup. She picked at an ugly piece of chicken that was swimming near the top. She looked up at the woman who sat across from her, her brow wrinkling suddenly. "Linda.." she started, leaning forward, "I haven't told Dr. Kuelman any of this, but I'm sure that my dreams are starting to gain a little cohesiveness.." "Why wouldn't you tell the Doctor that?" Linda frowned. "I..I don't know why. I just have this feeling .." she faded off for a moment, sucking on the inside of her cheek as if she hated to give creedence to a mere instinct. "Something about him gives me the creeps." She watched as Linda twisted her lips. She knew that the nurse had been reluctant to send her here..knew that she didn't like sending *anyone* here. Looking at the terrible shape she was in now, she wondered if Linda's fears were justified. Linda had examined Jane's fingers upon arrival, and the scabs were starting to turn a darker shade. The nurse had guessed that it would only be another week before they peeled away..exposing the valuable prints beneath. Hopefully then, someone could be contacted to get her out of this place. As if to punctuate that hope, a bearded man in a filthy smock started to howl, flinging his food at the windows in a frenzy of movement. Two beefy orderlies converged on him, wrestling him to the floor with a series of blows that made Linda tense with fury across from her. After the scuffle was over and the old man had been taken from the room, Jane *forced* herself to look away..back at the woman she hoped to wring a large favor from. Linda cleared her throat and leaned forward towards her before she could speak. "Have..." the nurse was a little reluctant.."have you had any flashbacks yet about how you got those abrasions on your wrists and ankles? Do you even remember the car wreck?" "No." Jane's voice was firm suddenly. "I mean..I don't know for certain. But I don't think that I've gotten any images at all about what happened to put me in this.." she she looked down at her wrapped hands ..stark white against the dark blue of the ancient formica tabletop, "state." Jane made a sudden dismissive gesture with her hand and looked at the nurse again. Her face was closely shuttered again as she moved back onto the ground she wanted to be on. "I think.." she went on, "That this 'Mulder' is important." She leaned closer. "Do you think..do you think that you could look up the name for me? See if he's in this area? Maybe he .." she paused, sitting back again and looking down at her lap. She didn't even mention her greatest fear..the one in which she was certain he was dead. "It's silly, isn't it.. I mean I'll probably know in a week anyway..when the bandages come off." They were both placing a lot of hope in her fingerprints. She felt a hand gently enclose hers. "No way honey. I'll do it. If he's in the area, I'll find him. " She looked up in Linda's eyes and smiled a little tremulously. "Thanks.. I just know that he's the key to this. Somehow. Assuming I can trust my dreams.." "Lets just hope he's not the guy who drove you into that tree." Linda said solemnly. Jane nodded. "I'd thought of that. There's something that tells me he's not. I believe that ..somewhere deep." Linda tilted her head, hooding her eyes. "I guess you still have the strength of your beliefs.." the nurse grinned. And Jane's world suddenly convulsed and retracted down to a tiny pinprick ..and she was falling..falling into it. ++++ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// She woke with a splitting headache, her mouth filled with the metallic taste of her own blood. Wrenching her eyes open with an effort, she squinted around her surroundings. She was in the back of a van. Her hands were twisted uncomfortably behind her back, bound there. Her legs were tied together and a thick, foul-smelling rag was rammed tightly between her teeth. Under her cheek, she could feel the rumbling of tires on asphalt. The harsh, cloying smell of gore was thick in the air of the van and she lifted her head just slightly to look around. Two large garbage bags sat across from her on the rotting, stained carpeting of the van's floor and she could see a dark black liquid seeping out of the plastic in the dim light of the interior. With a gagging horror, she realized that it was blood..and that the bags were very likely filled with the remains of Patty Hanson, the girl they had given everything to save in time. Everything. She had given up her partner.. ..for nothing. She replayed the moment in her mind when he had fallen under the onslaught of the shotgun. She watched again as his beautiful face went blank with shock and emptiness. As his lanky form folded like his bones had gone to jelly. Oh God. He was really, honestly, finally dead this time.. wasn't he. He'd been shot in the heart. She let her eyes squeeze tightly shut again, closing out the reality of the van she lay in, the dead girl beside her in pieces..the partner and lover who'd fallen behind. She slowly became aware of the fact that the van had stopped and she began to quickly take stock of her situation. Time for grieving would be later. She would not end up like that girl. He would be very disappointed with her...and so would she. The back doors of the van opened and cold winter air rushed in, the sharp wet scent of snowfall biting at her nostrils. It was night, but a streetlight several hundred yards away illuminated the side of a fairly large but empty highway. She could not see him..but she already knew his face. She'd stared at photo after photo of him. His childhood pictures, his high school yearbook..even the modeling head shots he'd had done in the eighties. She knew him well enough, this predator. He grabbed onto one of the trash bags and hauled it out of the van, smearing a sticky trail of blood behind it on the hideous shag carpeting. He vanished from the opening, struggling with the weight of his grisly load...his breath leaving light-limned vapor trails behind him. Catching her breath through the gag she wore, she sat up. If ever there was a chance..it was now. She tried to scoot forward towards the freedom of the doorway, but winced at a cold metallic bite on her wrists. She craned her neck to see. Her hands were not merely tied together..they were handcuffed to a metal loop set into the side of the van. Swallowing her panic, she launched herself into a fast, frenzied attempt to free herself, to test the strength of her shackles. She was neatly incapacitated. There was no give at all in any of her many bonds and she felt the wet warm trickle across her knuckles that told her she had cut herself on the cuffs. A shadow skittered across her vision and she rolled her eyes to see that he had returned. He stood there for a moment, his handsome face curled with a small smile and his eyes glinting with something unholy. Then he leaned forward and took hold of the second bag..dragging it out of the van as well. Disposing the evidence neatly..leaving it for the highway patrol to find. Leaving it for the next investigators to puzzle over. Do it, she thought furiously. We have your profile now. We know how you operate. Dumping your calling card will simply help us catch you. She realized the fatal flaw in her thinking even as she formed the thoughts. There was no "us" anymore. She and her partner had come the closest of anyone to catching this murderer. A man who had been committing his terrible crimes for almost 10 years without being caught. They had almost done it. But almost didn't really count. Did it. She closed her eyes with a rush of renewed pain. The sound of a footstep gave her pause and she looked back down towards the doors again to see him standing there. Grinning. She refused to break eye contact with him. She refused to let him see her fear and pain and grief. Her composure seemed to rattle him..just a little.. and he slammed the doors shut on her, returning her to darkness. A moment later the van started again. And this time her partner would not be there to rescue her. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// +++++++ She's had another 'episode'. The worst yet. Last night I gave her the first Morphine injection.. accessing her brain through the soft tissue at the corner of her left eye. I hadn't hoped to see results so quickly..but the intensity of her mindless flailing is something I had not expected. The Morphine *should* be inhibiting her memory even further, acting in concert with the neuron-weakening drugs I've been giving her all week. I come into the commissary to find her on the floor in the grip of three of my orderlies. The woman..the nurse from Somerville is with her. That makes me frown a little. I do not like the idea of my subject having any ties outside Essex. Her body is still fighting and there is nothing behind her wide blue gaze. She is showing almost classic seizure symptoms. I make a mental note..that was not expected..it did not happen with the Others. I kneel down and administer a sedative quickly..before the nurse can notice that the color of the drug is just a little off. Not quite the clear liquid of a normal sedative. "I don't understand," the nurse is stroking the damp hair off my subject's face. "Her episodes were never like this before." She looks right at me, her eyes narrowing. "What have you been giving her?" I school my features to express only innocence and false surprise. "Nothing special. Just some sedatives to help her relax..to help her sleep." I say coolly, refusing to get angry at this woman who should know better than to argue with her superiors. She is only a nurse. I am a doctor. She stares at me for a long moment and I begin to lose the tentative grip I have on my temper. Is this harpy challenging me? "Why did you sedate her just now? She would have come out of it..she always does. Drugging her into submission is not the way to help her.." I draw myself up. I know that I am a big man. I tower over her. "I don't believe that you have a degree in medicine, *nurse* Garland. I know what is best for my patients. She was a danger to herself and others in that state. Sedation was the only answer." She does not reply. She only looks at me..as if she's reading my thoughts. As if she knows. There is suspicion in her eyes. No. She can't know. No one knows. No one except Howard. Stay calm. I can feel my demons dancing and cavorting around in my conciousness..clamouring to be let out. Eager for blood. I quell them with a practiced hand. Later. Later. Instead of further tormenting me with her witch's glare, she follows the orderlies out when they take my new subject out on a gurney..pausing only once to take one final look at me. And then I am alone in the cafeteria. +++++++++ ++++++++ Linda tromped in from the cold, the paper bags that contained her groceries crackling in her arms as she bumped the door shut with her hip. Wonderbread mrowred as she awkwardly discarded her boots, figure-eighting between her legs and leaving snow-white cat hairs all over her slacks. She not-so-gently shoved him out of her way as she pushed into the kitchen. Her mood was still dangerously foul..even after the long drive back and a short trip to the store. Setting the food on the counter, she gripped the edge of the counter and forced her shoulders to relax...counting to ten. Again. The outright, blatant misuse of drugs she had just witnessed was not the real cause of her anger..though she like to pretend it was. The real reason, if she admitted it to herself, was that she was guilty, Guilty for putting Jane in that place. For putting at least 5 others out there over the years she'd worked at Somerset. She had driven them out there herself. She was just as guilty as Dr. Kuelman and his incompetent staff because she *knew* the place was a pit, and yet she did nothing. She was guilty through inaction..but she would be damned if she would do nothing any longer. After a long moment of calming herself while she put away the food she'd bought, she set hot water on for tea and walked out to her computer, booting it up. She had two goals. The first was to look for Jane's Mulder...it was a promise she had made..and she would keep it. But the second was foremost in her mind. She wanted to know more about Dr. Kuelman. She wanted to know his background..the background of Essex since he'd taken it over. Jane's treatment in the cafeteria had not been the first time she'd seen evidence of mistreatment of patients there. But it was the time that had finally got her mad enough to do something about it. And the young woman had looked awful. What was the meaning of the bruising around her eyes? It was the sort of thing that occurred with a broken nose...but Jane's face had looked unmarred but for the still-livid scar on her white forehead. The fact that the woman's episodes had escalated to the physical realm was alarming. From what she knew of post traumatic retrograde amnesia sufferers, they regained their identities over the span of a few weeks..each successive memory that came back would help bring others until they began to increase exponentially. It was never a violent thing. They just got their memories back. Jane had remembered nothing..and instead of her 'episodes' helping her regain her past, they seemed to just be beating her up. The teapot whistled, interrupting her thoughts, and a moment later she was sitting down at the keyboard, blowing hot steam off a cup of Earl Gray. The screech of her modem connecting to her ISP had her leaning forward to bring up her browser. Jane's name first. Mulder.. it was all she had to go on. First, the search engines. Then, if she found nothing, she would check the online directories..and failing that, she would go to the library and dig through the phone books. It promised to be a bad thing if she got that far. There was certainly more than one Mulder on the East Coast. She typed 'Mulder' into the Lycos search box, clicked -return-.. ..and hit instant gold. The single shortest investigative effort in history, she thought with a pleased grin. Assuming that this much-mentioned Mulder was the one she wanted. Jeez. The search returns just kept listing. UFO, MUFON , government conspiracy sites. If this was the guy, he was some sorta expert on kooks. And..at the top of the first scanned article she found, she discovered her quarry's employer. Jeez was right. Glancing at the clock, she realized that it was too late to call the *FBI*. Odds were she would reach an automated message. There was no reason that the call couldn't wait till the morning. Jane wasn't going anywhere. After she scribbled the number down, she clicked around a little while longer, wary of how easy it had been, trying to find other Mulders. There were one or two...a personal homepage belonging to a Patty Mulder that showed some badly focused pictures of her cats, and a listing in the directory for a Jason L. Mulder in Providence, Rhode Island. That one seemed a little more likely than the FBI guy...but when she rang up the number it was disconnected. So much for that. There was no one else..at least listed in the online directories. After refreshing her tea, she abandoned the Mulder-search and set to work on Dr. Kuelman. There was little she was going to be able to find online about his past..but if he had ever written up any kind of article for a medical journal, it might be listed somewhere. Success was not to be had as easily this time. The clock on her cluttered mantle chimed out 2 in the morning by the time her tired clicking unearthed anything of use. She had been about to throw in the towel when her search through the New England Journal of Medicine database finally dredged up an article from 1981. --External Storage and Retrieval of LTMemory within the Parahippocampal Region & Inhibiting Effects of Morphine on Spatial Memory --by N.J. Kuelman Frowning her way through terms she only grasped on the most basic definitional level, she began to get the picture of what the man was saying. It set a cold hand right on the back of her neck. Frankensteinian stuff. He was claiming that he could retrieve, manipulate and store memories.. *externally*. He claimed that he HAD. She delved back into the database, searching out journals that might give the reaction of the medical world to his theories. All thoughts of sleep had been driven from her mind. Unlike his article, the medical world's opinions of his work were easy to hunt down. After the 1981 article he was unilaterally reviled and denounced as a dangerous quack. A fraud and a flake. She found a news snippet that mentioned that his grants had been revoked and his funding pulled. And then she could find nothing more. Around 4am she finally switched off her computer and simply sat at her table for a long time, lost in thoughts that ..frankly..scared her. So the guy was a little wacky. Ok. That didn't mean he was dangerous. After all, he had been operating Essex for almost 12 years now without mishap. At least she didn't *think* there had been mishap. Sure, she'd gotten wind of some neglectful treatments..but nothing had ever been done. The only people that ever got sent out there were the indigent and the homeless. These people had no one to push the State for more funding. She rubbed her face, a wave of exhaustion suddenly sweeping over her. Sleep. She would need it if she planned on going in to the library before her shift tomorrow. And she did. ++++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// He'd hit her again. She could feel the tenderness on the back of her scalp that spoke of another bludgeoning. That was how this guy worked. He believed in getting his women the old-fashioned way..with a club to the head. Blinking, she saw that she was no longer in the van. The sound of Christian rock pumped gently in the heated air of the compartment and she could see the snow-covered scenery of the rural countryside passing by through the glass at her right. They were in a car now. A small sporty import from what she could tell. He was trying to loose his trackers. From the difficult time she and her partner had had finding him in the first place, she knew that he was doing a thourough job. Without her partner on her trail, she held out little hope that anyone would find her in time. This cold, brutal killer had shown a great deal of cunning in the way he had bamboozled the authorities to date. Unlike most serial killers, this man was not deranged. He was unlikely to make errors. She stared dully out the window, watching fence posts pass one by one against a backdrop of blank white fields. It wasn't real. None of it. The fact that she was tightly bound underneath the blanket he had drawn up over her body. The fact that her captor was a coldly sane killer who was likely fantasizing even now about her drawn-out, painful death. The fact that the other half of who she was.. was dead. Funny (yeah, ha ha) how you have an aspect of your life that is so much a part of you..and yet external. It's a risk, letting yourself decompartmentalize like that..letting someone else carry half of you around with them. When they go, they take it with them. She felt empty, listless...lost. Closing her eyes she was helplessly drawn back to the image of his body falling backwards again..the red hole in his chest ..the splattering of crimson on the snowy white of his shirt. It was so clear..each detail of his form in the moment of his death. Why couldn't her memories give her the time when she'd first opened her heart fully to him? The feeling of utter rapture that had consumed her knowing that he felt the same way.. that he was only complete when they were together? Why couldn't she see his visage filled with that expression that he saved only for her? Why did she only have to see that blank emptiness of his beautiful face? A touch startled her and her eyes flew open, flicking to the side to see her captor leaning across the car towards her. His handsome face was coolly devoid of mercy and it chilled her. He spoke to her, his words filling her with dread and revulsion. He was warning her to remain quiet at the gas station up ahead. Any wrong move and he would make her regret it very badly. Perhaps he would kill her quickly if she did, she thought softly. Was her partner waiting for her on the other side? Maybe she would be seeing him soon. She let the irrational hope give her a little peace. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// In the darkness of her small room, her vision drifted into blackness. She did not wake up to write down what she could remember of it. She could not. Instead, she lay under the layers of Kuelman's drug cocktail like it was ice covering a lake. She could not chip through. She could not even try. She looked up at the chill blue of the sky reflected through the ice of her own lake..and she floated in the murk of memories that she no longer seemed to be capable of understanding. ++++++++ Linda pushed into the break room with a tired groan. She'd been hoping to get a moment of free time sooner than this, but it had been a terrible day. No sooner had she gotten to work after spending hours at the Microfiche station in the library, than a schoolbus had skidded off the road outside of town. No one was killed, but the emergency room was packed with both crying children and anxious parents. It made for general mayhem. She sank onto the couch and took a moment to catch her breath. It wasn't long before she was leaning towards the end table and pulling the phone into her lap. But she didn't pick up the receiver. Instead she took a deep breath and closed her eyes, her mind still whirling with what she'd learned that morning at the library. The back issues of the local paper had given her practically nothing to go on. Kuelman had been hired out at Essex in 1987. The article had stated that he was a graduate of the upscale Harvard Medical School and that he had a background in Neuroscience. He had come from Hartford, Connecticut..and a search of the publications in that city had yielded interesting results in the form of a rather frightening article. There had been an accident that killed Kuelman's younger brother when he was about 13. The article did not give specifics because the local authorities had been baffled. There was talk of blaming young Nelson Kuelman..because he had been the one who had been with his brother when he was found, but no explanation for Howard Kuelman's death could be given. He was pronounced brain-dead by the EMTs before he reached the hospital. There had been no marks on the boy to explain it and though the autopsy revealed no brain damage, the general consensus was that it had been some sort of aneurysm. She had no idea what that meant in relation to Kuelman's later field of study. It could be that his brother's death had just inspired him towards a career with the brain..but somehow it felt sinister. She would go to the County Medical Records for Essex next...she had a pretty good idea what she was looking for now. She opened her eyes and looked down at the plastic white phone under her hand. She'd been so involved in her investigation of the evil scientist out at Essex this morning that she'd nearly forgotten about Jane's mystery name. An FBI agent. It seemed somehow ludicrous. She sat with her hand on the receiver for a long moment, battling the feeling that she was about to make a fool out of herself in front of a federal agent who would have no idea what she was talking about. She finally pulled the scrap of paper out that she had written the Bureau main number on. There was a chance that it *was* the right Mulder ..FOX Mulder (what a name that was)...even though it had just been too damned easy to find him. *Nothing* was ever that easy. Jane's Mulder was more likely some carpenter or plumber in one of the small towns scattered throughout Jersey State. That was reality..not the life of some kind of secret agent. She carefully dialed the number and listened to the phone ring. It was the automatic computer answering service. She dutifully listened to the options..wishing that the recording would give her a little credit for intelligence and not speak so godamned slowly. "Federal Bureau Of Investigation, this is Jenny, how may I help you?" Perky. "Hi Jenny, I'm looking for Agent Fox Mulder." There was a moment of rapid tapping as if on a keyboard. And then: "That Agent is not currently on the premises.. may I transfer you to his voice mail?" she asked brightly. You couldn't pay me enough to sound that perky, she thought. "Umm, yeah. That would be ..good." she gnawed on her lip, quickly trying to formulate a message with her soggy, tired brain that would make sense and not leave her sounding like a rambling lunatic. -Beeeeeeep- "Um ...uh, hi. Hi. My name is Linda. Linda Garland..I'm a nurse at Somerset Medical Center in Somerville, New Jersey. //Ugh, like he needed to know her life story..// I know this might sound weird, but I'll get to the point..//yeah, give him hope..// The..uh.. reason I'm calling is because..um, //jeez, how do you put this?// well, there was this woman who was admitted to our emergency room about a month ago..and she's lost her memory and...um.. about two days ago she remembered a name. Mulder. So I ...uhh, found your name on the internet and we ..I thought that it might be you..//good lord, she WAS sounding like a rambling lunatic..// and well, anyway, if you know what I'm talking about..this woman is pretty short and has this red hair..and"---BEEEEEEP She pulled the phone away from her ear with a startled frown. She'd actually talked so long she'd run out of time. She hung up the phone with a sigh and closed her eyes again. That was really classy. Really smooth. Amazing how fast you can think on your feet Lin. She hadn't even left her number. She sucked the inside of her cheek between her teeth and debated about whether she should call back and finish rambling. Well, she reasoned, the guy *is* a federal agent..he oughta be able to track me down since I gave him my name and where I work. *If* he knows Jane, he'll be interested enough to call information. She set the phone back on the side table and sighed. She'd wait till the guy called back before she tried to find more Mulders. Satisfied that she was doing her best for Jane..at least more than the incompetent Sheriff Lloyd, she took a drink of water from the fountain and went back out to deal with the schoolbus accident. +++++ ++++++ I think that tomorrow will be the night. She is receiving the drugs extremely well. No psychosis.. I think it has to do with her pre-existing amnesia. I would have never thought of that. Perhaps it is fate that is allowing me to finally finish my work. I sit in my office and stare at Howard as he perches in a chair across from my desk. Today there are no bloody visions accompanying him. I wonder why he left them behind. There's no accounting for what a dead brother will do, I suppose. It's alright Howard. I'll make it up to you now. Tomorrow night will be a triumph for both of us. One more injection of Morphine tonight will clear the neural pathways..will make room for you. I am giddy with anticipation. I can already imagine the accolades and the apologies I will receive for this from all those doctors who scorned me. It will be sweet, so sweet to see the admiration in their eyes. Howard continues to give me his empty stare, feet not quite touching the floor, his bare knobby knees are scuffed and scraped as they had been that afternoon. I was 15 and he was 13. He had just gotten a new bike and he had wanted to go back outside and ride with his friends over in the empty lot three blocks down. I had bribed him with offers of letting him read my prized comic books and he had stayed. Just a little prick, Howard. I'd told him that. If only he'd held still..if only he'd just kept quiet. I hadn't wanted to hold his mouth shut..but mother had been in the back yard..and she had already warned me not to play with her nursing equipment. Mother was not a patient woman. It hadn't seemed like a very long time before Howard had stopped moving under my hand. I thought he'd finally decided to cooperate. I remember thinking how long the needle was..how I hoped it would be long enough. The map of the brain in my school book gave me an idea of where I needed to reach. I'd used the needle, sliding it in through the soft tissue in the corner of his eye..pushing until I was sure I was far enough. Howard had not woken up again..and no one had ever discovered what I did. I hadn't meant to kill him..I hadn't. I had loved him. Looking back, I suspect that any modern pathologist would have realized what had happened, but back in the '40s such details were easily overlooked. I shake the memories away. He was sacrificed for the greater good. His death will one day be remembered as the first step in my ground-breaking discovery. I glance over at the safe on the wall. Beyond that small door it still sits..I've been keeping it safe for all these years. Hard to believe that almost 50 years of research and work are about to pay off. I turn back to the chair, and Howard is gone again. I suppose he had somewhere to be. Probably off playing with the Larson twins in that vacant lot down the street. The sun is setting out the window, casting a pink glowing shroud across the snow, a single long shadow creeping and stretching towards me..cast by the lonely outpost of the guardhouse at the gate. Shaking off my sudden apprehension as having no place in my remaining hours before the triumph, I begin preparations on the final series of injections for my subject before the last, most important one tomorrow night. ++++++ Streetlights threw brilliant circular pools of light along the snowy walk towards the Courthouse as Linda hurried, trailing streamers of breathy vapor, through the crisply cold air of the night. Exhaustion hovered at the edge of her consciousness, making threats she had no intention of cowing to. Glancing at her watch, she realized that she only had a few more moments before Jerry decided she was a lost cause and went home. She crunched up the shallow steps to the glass panels that made up the front doors of Essex County Courthouse. There was only one light on further down the hallway that she could see when she pressed her nose to the frigid glass. She lifted one mittened hand and pounded on the door, listening to the rattling echo down the darkened coridoor. A moment later Jerry Sipowicz was hurrying along the faux parquet floor, a flashlight clutched in one hand..digging for his keys with the other. She'd dated Jerry in high school and although he was now married with 2 kids, there was little that he still wouldn't do for her. When she had called him that afternoon and asked if he would let her into the courthouse to do a little 'night reading' he'd been reluctant..but in the end, he'd agreed. He always did. The door swung open and he pulled her inside, nearly wrenching her arm. "Hurry up before the night watchman sees you!" he hissed at her, locking the panel behind her. Then he was pulling her along the hall at a fast clip, eyes darting left and right like they were pulling off some sort of criminal operation. "Jeez Jer, what are you so uptight about? There's nothing illegal about this..it just happens that I couldn't get off work till you guys were already closed for the night." "I could lose my job for this." he snapped, but she could sense a softening of his tone. "It's just that you were late..and Mary is expecting me. You know how she is, she'll probably think I'm having an affair if I'm five minutes behind." Linda nodded a little absently, her mind already turning toward the records she was searching out. The Medical Records office was dark when Jerry let her in. "Can you make this quick?" he whispered, standing by the reception counter and glancing back out into the hallway periodically. She was already moving silently down darkened alleys of filing cabinets. "What are you looking for anyway?" he asked, his voice echoing a little down the thin metal canyons. "Evidence" she said, deliberately keeping him in the dark. She didn't want to have to start at the beginning. Luckily he kept quiet. Shining her flashlight along the labels that decorated the metal faces of the files, she finally found the section that pertained to Essex County. Rolling out the file drawer for 1981, she began her hunt. It was almost 3 hours later and Jerry had left her long before with a key and instructions how to exit the building. She had barely noticed his retreat. After only an hour of research, she had gone back even further in the hospitals records to before when Kuelman had been instated there. She had to compare to be sure. Another two hours to gather sufficient evidence..her horror growing with each passing minute. How was it possible that this had been occurring for over a decade with no one noticing? Over 600 deaths in 12 years..that was almost 50 dead a year. There was, of course, no real pattern to be found in cause of death, that would alert the review board..but the sheer casualties..how could that not tip anyone off? She already knew the answer. Essex County was a non profit hospital..run by the state..primarily for the care of people who had nothing and no one. If a homeless man died, who was to know? Who would care? If an amnesia victim with no ties died, who would notice? There was no doubt in her mind that Kuelman was behind it. Taking what she had seen with her own eyes just in the last year that she had been shuttling people over to Essex and coupling that with his Frankensteinian research in college, she just knew. Sliding everything back into its proper place with numbed fingers, she pushed herself to her feet, her back aching and her head spinning with thoughts of what she should do next. She would file an official complaint first thing in the morning..begin official procedures against Kuelman and Essex. She would request permission to become a temporary guardian of the Jane Doe and get her the hell out of there in the meantime. She was a registered nurse with Home Care certification, they would let her.. if she asked for no fee. She could still see the Doctor injecting Jane in front of her eyes. She just hoped that her actions weren't too late. +++++ She awoke only periodically..her mind filled with a hazy soup. Images were dancing and dissipating before her eyes..as if someone had the clicker for the VCR and was pushing play and then rewind and then fast forward..never letting her get a clear glimpse of what she was looking at. And the images were familiar, she realized that with a little jolt. She knew how important it was to fully recognize them. She could see the man with the dark hair..but this time, instead of the stark sprawl with the bloody stain on his chest..this time he was smiling at her. Saying something wry that she thought she should be quietly chuckling about. She could see a woman she was sure was her mother. A little dog with pumpkin fur went bouncing through the room. A man with the brilliant white of a Navy dress uniform. She knew these things..she knew them. Her eyes were rolling in her head..she was unable to control the muscles any longer. There was something wrong, she knew that instinctively. There was a text book in her head that was reading symptoms aloud to her. Brain damage, her own voice lectured. Decaying neural pathways. Degeneration of the memory retrieval system. There was a nurse in the room, but her presence was like a fly bumping against the window ..she paid no mind. She was focused inward..she was close. She could taste her identity..frayed and faltering on the other side of a paper-thin wall. "She's coming to Doctor.." the nurse's voice was extraneous. "Another injection Penny. That should be the last one before the surgery tonight. Have you made all the arrangements?" "Of course Doctor." the voice said. There was a prick that sent her back into oblivion..but her mind did not stop beating against the barrier. She was close, so close..there was no more time left. It was a man's voice that spoke, that urged her on. She fought. +++++ The sun was touching the horizon by the time Linda finally got all the bureaucratic hoops properly jumped through, papers signed and Review Board alerted. All the paperwork..the frightening evidence of what had been occurring at Essex over the past 12 years..had been sent to the State Board for proper review. And most importantly, she had gotten permission to pull Jane from the hospital the next morning. The sky was beginning to darken with menacing snow-clouds by the time she pulled down her street, tiredly fighting the pull of the semi-frozen slush on the tires. The light was odd..pinkly streaming rays pushing tenaciously through the coming snow..casting an eerie glow over the dimly glowing snowbanks that piled high to either side of the street. There was a brown car parked outside her house and she could vaguely make out a figure behind the wheel. A frown marred her forehead. Now what? Jerry wanted his key back? She had told him that she would get it to him by tomorrow. Pulling up the short drive and under the carport, she had barely opened her door when she glimpsed the driver of the brown car striding up her walk towards her in her side mirror. Not Jerry...and he was moving quickly. Every terrifying scenario her self-defense teachers had ever spelled out was flashing through her mind as she quickly straightened and reached towards the ignition for her keys. As soon as she saw him face on, she froze. The first thing that ran through her mind, illogically enough, was that maybe she hadn't made as bad a first impression as she had thought at the coffee shop. But one glimpse of his expression had her back to thinking that she might need to protect herself...his eyes were fearsome in his haggard face. She found herself instinctively backing into her little Honda, pulling her bag up against her midsection. He was reaching into his coat, pulling something out and then he was in front of her and she found herself looking at a picture of him next to an official seal and a metal badge that proclaimed him a Federal Agent. One blink. Another. The name in black print. Fox Mulder. She had forgotten about the call she had made..she had forgotten in the frenzy of her discoveries about Essex. She looked up at his face again, meeting the sizzling intensity of his stare. "Linda Garland?" he asked, his voice that same whiskey rumble that she remembered from the coffee shop. She nodded, forcing her body out of its defensive stance and lifting her chin. She'd left that damned message yesterday. "Where have you been?" she asked, folding her arms and squinting at him. "Didn't your secretary give you my message?" He didn't even acknowledge that she had spoken. "You said you had information about my partner? I asked at the hospital, they told me where you lived. They didn't have her there." He had not moved since he'd put his ID back into his coat. He looked ready to turn and spring into action at any moment. "Your partner?" That rose her eyebrows. FBI agent was not something she would have picked in all the things that she had imagined Jane doing. "Where. Is. She?" he grated. She blinked up at him. "She was taken out to Essex..I was going to pick her up tom-" He suddenly grabbed her arm and began to haul her towards his car, his grip was biting into the flesh above her elbow. "Ow! Hey buddy..lay off!" she jerked her arm out of his grasp and stopped moving, glaring at him. What, was he some sort of Neanderthal? Clearly he left all the people-skills to his partner. If that was indeed who Jane was. "You are taking me there..now." he said, his jaw tight. She saw that he still had his left arm in a sling under his coat and that the hand was clenched into a fist. "Please.." He added, his voice cracking just a little. She finally noticed the pain seething behind his autumn-colored eyes, the whiteness around his mouth. She nodded then, moving back to her car she shut the door and followed him down the driveway. It was only once she was strapped in and the car was moving down the street through the slowly falling flakes of the coming snow that he looked at her. "Tell me everything." He said. It was a command. She did. ++++++ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// They had changed cars again. It was snowing terribly out and he needed every ounce of his concentration to pay attention to the road. She could see the whiteness of his knuckles gripping the steering wheel and she simply stared at them for a long time with reddened eyes encircled in purple and black. There was still no sign of any pursuit. There had been no chances for escape. Escape. Her mind would not quite wrap around the concept any longer. What did it matter anymore if she did get away? What would she be going back to? It seemed an airy concept now. Something lofty and not-quite real. Her brain seemed to be intent on numbing her to her current situation..and right now, that seemed the best tack. A numbness would mean that she wouldn't remember that he was dead. That this murderer did not hold control over her life and death. That he would not hold the power to do to her what he had done to Patty Henson. He had already taken the one thing she held the most dear. What was physical pain to that? She let her eyes fall away from his fingers...let them focus on the hypnotic falling snow in the headlights outside. It looked like hyperspace, she thought idylly. They were whisking away towards some far-away place where nothing could touch her or hurt her..a place where she would not remember the emptiness of his autumn eyes as he fell. She watched as a sharp curve approached on the indistinct road before them. And without even pausing to consider her actions, she flung herself against her captor...wrenching the wheel to one side. The car swerved horridly, the tires moving helplessly against the slick surface of the icy road, finding no purchase. The law of inertia took over. An object in motion... ...and they plunged off the known of the road into the formless white of the night. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// It was there. It was all there as if it had never been gone. Every last aching detail of her pain. And, god, it hurt. It hurt to remember the death of the girl they had struggled to find in time...but most of all it hurt to remember that Mulder was dead. The agony of being the one left behind...it was enough to make her want to crawl back into the dark hole she'd been hiding in for so long now. No. She knew the futility of it. It certainly wouldn't bring him back. Her bruised and sore eyes dragged open, her breath catching in her throat. Hands jerked sluggishly against her bonds as she tried to raise her fingers to her face. She froze as movement in the shadows of her night-cloaked room stirred..expelling the form of Dr. Kuelman across the worn linoleum to her bedside. She blinked up at him and forced her mouth to work, to form words that she somehow had to struggle to define to herself. "Dr. K-Kuelman?" her voice was harsh and slow and not at all her own. He leaned over her and she could feel the humidity of his breath against her cheek. "Yes my dear?" he whispered, his hand coming up to smooth her hair back from her face. She wondered briefly why he whispered. "I need for .. to make .. phone call for me.." she said in blurry words. "Call." her forehead wrinkled as she struggled to recall the number.."410-546-7980..that's ..um..Bureau phone-board. Ask for Agent M--" she paused, her heart clenching with remembered pain. "No..ask for-- Ass-is-tant Dir-ec-tor ..Skin..ner. Tell where I am..." she said. Her eyes rolled involuntarily as she struggled to keep them open. She was having a very hard time dredging up the basic vocabulary she needed. He didn't move..he continued to look down at her with eyes full of an emotion that confused her. He was staring at her with an intensity that seemed to scald her. "How do you feel Jane?" he asked. What? "My name is Dana ..Katherine ..Scully.." she pushed out through gritted teeth, her tender hands curling into fists of frustration. "How do you feel ..Dana Katherine Scully?" he straightened and looked down at her from his rather impressive height. His eyes were still filled with an odd mix of exultation and a blankness that was starting to pump adrenaline through her body. He was fiddling with something in his pocket. "I..I feel...wrong. I'm..I can't seem to..remember words." It took her almost a full minute to force out the simple sentence. "Excellent." he sighed. "I don't understand why you seem to have regained your memory though..I don't understand that at all." his frown suddenly transformed into another smile. "Not that it really matters." He withdrew the thing he had been fiddling with out of his pocket. It was a long hypodermic needle. Her eyes took in the length and slenderness of the point and she began tugging at her bonds again, her breath starting to come in short gasps. There were really only a very small number of things you needed a needle that long for..and she couldn't imagine how they applied here. "I'm sorry that you have to be awake for this one..but it can't be helped my dear. Don't worry. You will be remembered in the annals of medicine for this. Immortalized by my work." One of his large hands settled on her jaw, wrenching her head up and immobilizing it. And she realized with horror where he was going to put the needle even as it descended towards her right eye. +++++ +++++++ Linda glanced over her shoulder at the FBI man as they ran down the long dimly lit hall together. He was following her, using her as he might use a hunting dog..to find his quarry irregardless of the obstacles. It had taken them longer than usual to make it out to Essex..the storm that had begun as cute little flakes had boiled into one of the worst blizzards she had ever seen in Jersey. Agent Mulder had been forced to drive carefully as she talked..telling him in detail every aspect of her contact with Jane. All through it, even the part where she spoke of the injuries the woman had sustained...he remained silent. She spoke of the amnesia and the 'episodes' that Jan-Dana had suffered through..and the dream where she had recalled his name. She told him about the hospital and the evidence she'd uncovered regarding Dr. Kuelman and his murderous track record at Essex. He'd been quiet, but his knuckles were white as bone on the steering wheel and he stared straight ahead into the darkness of the storm as he drove. She was astonished to see something similar to guilt..to self-blame on his face. She didn't even want to know. When they had reached the guard station at the gate he had wordlessly pulled out his badge to Gary and the man had taken one look at his face and waved them through. "Hurry up.." his voice was strung tight, almost to the point of breaking. It was the first thing he had said since he'd asked her to tell him what had happened. She could understand his urgency..she was the one who had seen the numbers..knew that this place was a charnel house thinly disguised as a hospital. She could only hope that Kuelman didn't work that fast. After all, she had just seen Jane two days ago. She snagged a chart off the wall as they blew past a nurse station and she began to flip through it, scanning names. "Here." she said finally, pointing at a closed door that sat down the hall a ways. Agent Mulder just grabbed the handle and pushed. It was locked, just as all the doors in this hospital were. Without even thinking, he flung his shoulder at the door with all his strength. "Scully!" He cried, his voice a serrated blade. She blinked at his loss of control ..unmoving only for a moment before she took off back towards the nurses station. She recognized the look in his eyes as desperate fury and she knew there was no way that a) he was going to break down a door designed to withstand violence..or b) she was going to be able to keep him from trying. She grabbed the ring of keys from the recently cowed nurse at the desk and ran back down the hall towards the man. He was still trying to break in the door and she could see splotches of red blotting through the white of his shirt just over his heart. "Christ almighty!" she snapped at him, stepping in his way and shoving the keys in his face. "Chill out!" He paid no attention to her censure and he began to flip through the keys, trying them one at a time until finally, a click sounded and he flung the door open. The scene that greeted them stunned them both to silence. The room was empty. ++++++ The woman, Dana Katherine Scully, lay on the table, her head gripped tightly in a vise. This was the most delicate part of the operation..this was the part where he had lost all the other subjects who had made it this far. He knew it could succeed, he knew it..he just had to be so very careful. His brother's vial lay carefully wrapped in the bottom of the pocket of his white coat, ready to use if he succeeded this time. He knew that he would. She had responded so well to everything so far..she'd come further than over 70% of his other subjects. This would be the time, he could feel it in his bones. The whir of the clippers startled him a little as Penny bent emotionlessly over the woman to shave the hair away from the area behind her ear. He watched the coppery locks spilling to the floor, mesmerized by the brightness of the color..even in the antiseptic lights of the operating room. One glossy strand landed on a small sneaker-clad foot and he looked up to see Howard standing there, staring at him. It was appropriate that he had come. He had never come to any of the others. He reached to his side and picked up the drill. +++++++ Linda intercepted an orderly before her new friend slammed him up against a wall and she discovered that Penny..long known as Kuelman's senior nurse..had taken the Jane Doe towards the surgery wing. Surgery. Now her own sense of panic was rising to meet the levels that the FBI man was already riding on. Even though he was bleeding profusely now from the wound under his shirt..the wound over his heart, she could barely keep up with him. Surgery. God..the names of all the dead that had spooled out of this place were flashing before her eyes. Almost half of them had suffered from the ubiquitous 'brain aneurysm'. She had no doubt that Kuelman had been practicing his theories on them. She had no doubt that Jane was about to follow the rest of them into the grave. A bang from ahead told her that Agent Mulder had burst into the first operating room. She rounded the corner to see him come barreling back out. She was slightly chilled to see that he now held a gun in his good hand...his overcoat billowing to the floor behind him as he shrugged out of it. He slammed through the next set of swinging doors. Running up to the room, she would later recall the sweep of the two panels slowly swooping back and forth with the energy of his passing. She heard a shout..a sound of horror and fury. Words spit like machine gun fire. A guttural cry and a high pitched sound..like a drill. She skidded to a stop in the opening of the room and was in time to see Dr. Kuelman frantically lowering a drill towards Jane's head. "No..you don't understand..I have to.." his words were babbling. The drill bit into the flesh of the woman's scalp. She didn't even see the FBI agent lower his gun. She only heard the shot. The doctor spun back, the whirring drill falling from his slackened grip, turning off as soon as his hand released the button on its shaft. She saw a stain of red on his smock right at his shoulder..his face white with shock. He stumbled and fell backwards. As his eyes slowly rolled up into his head she could have sworn that she caught a glimpse of a boy..about 11 or 12 years old..standing over the man. There was an oddly queasy look of triumph in the child's eyes. She blinked..and then the boy was gone. +++++++ Her head hurt. It was not a headache. The side of her head stung and throbbed, sending tiny webs of fire out alongside her scalp. The doctor's voice inside her that had been silent for so long spoke quietly..external head wound. Minor. Eyelashes fluttering, she opened sore eyes to see Linda sprawled in the chair next to her bed, reading a book amusingly titled "How to Find The Man Of Your Dreams". She couldn't help but grin, blinking puffy lids. "He'll find *you*," she croaked. Her voice was raspy and thin..as if she hadn't used it in a long while. The book dropped to reveal a pair of startled brown eyes. "Ja..Dana?" She shut the book with a snap, tossing it on the beside table. She leaned forward and crossed her arms on her knees. "How do you feel?" She closed her eyes at the question. How did she feel? She remembered everything now. Everything. Even the moments before the doctor had given her what she had thought was her final injection. She couldn't stop the crushing sadness she felt that she was somehow still alive. She'd actually been looking forward to the velvet peace of death. She wouldn't have had to remember that Mulder was gone. A terrible ache welled up in her then. It would be so hard. So hard. She *could* go on without him, that had never been a question. She was fully aware that he would have expected it of her..and she had always been one to live up to his expectations. Not because she needed that validation from him, but because she would be betraying herself if she wasn't all she could be in his eyes. And her own. It had always been a theoretical question..one she had dwelt on only in the darkest hours of the night while he slumbered next to her..because it was always a possibility in their lives. Always. Death hovered around both of them and they simply lived each day together..moved purposefully through the currents and eddies of life, and they accepted that. Well, it had finally happened. And she was the one left behind this time. Somehow she had always known that it would be that way. Mulder simply lived with too much fire in him...too *much*. It was inevitable that he would flare out of existence like the a cheap firework. She could sense Linda hovering anxiously at her side. "I'm ..fine." she said, opening her eyes again..her throat tight with tears that she would not let flow. God it hurt. It hurt so badly..but she was..fine. Fine. "I ..remember ..everything." she whispered. Linda reached out and touched her forehead, a little smile on her face that said that she didn't understand..couldn't understand her pain..and that she wouldn't belittle Dana's feelings by pretending that she did. "I like your new haircut.." she said. "I'm sure that..on you, all the gals back in DC will be wanting to go out and shave their heads. You look like the barbie I had when I was a kid after I found a pair of my mom's scissors." She raised her eyebrows. "What?" The hair comment was secondary. How had Linda known that she was from DC? Had her hands healed? She glanced down to see her fingers still wrapped in gauze. Linda had produced a mirror, misreading her confusion, and she found herself looking at her brand new Frankenstein appearance. Her hair had been shaved in a swath on her left side to the top of her skull and there was a thick bandage covering the skin behind her ear. She looked at Linda with a frown. "What the hell happened?" she asked gently fingering the wound and the baldness. She sort of remembered the needle..she remembered the Doctor.. The nurse slit her eyes in anger. "Kuelman has been doing what he did you to people for years here. He's managed to kill over 400 innocents with his tampering. We haven't been able to get much out of his nurse..she isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Kuelman's dead , but we're still looking for some idea of what he was trying to accomplish. The fact that he was completely insane is the only thing that we know for certain." Scully twisted her lips and folded her arms..eyes turning hard as the nurse talked on. The irony that she had escaped one murderer to fall into the hands of another did not escape her. "Apparently the bastard was injecting morphine directly into your Amygdala." Her forehead wrinkled in disgust. "It's a lucky miracle that he didn't do any really permanent damage to your long term memory. Dr. Miller has given you several Glucose injections that have reversed most of the damage, but you might have a hard time recalling exactly what happened to you over the past few days." Scully pushed herself into an awkward upright position..needing to cover up the sudden sting of tears in her eyes, waving off Linda's attempts to help her. If only it might have erased the memories of that cold deserted hallway in Baltimore. Linda put a hand on her shoulder in sympathy. "I'm ..I'm so sorry that I put you in there...it's entirely my fault that you're in this condition. I had my suspicions about Essex for years, but never did anything." Linda turned her face to the side, her eyes finding a spot on the floor. "I should have realized sooner what was going on." Focusing on someone elses pain seemed to dampen her own...helping her pull her comfortable mask up and over her features. She let her bandaged hands curl over the nurse's forearm. "Don't blame yourself for the actions of a madman. You saved me..thank you." Linda blinked at her. "*I* didn't save you...that was your partner." The words didn't sound real for a moment. They were perfectly appropriate, of course..she'd heard them so many times, but entirely impossible. A sound at the door made her look up and she was taken from confusion to shock in the span of a millisecond. A hard blink did not dislodge him from her view. Her hand clenched down on Linda's arm almost painfully. He wore a hospital smock and his arm was in a sling. She could see the telltale bulge of bandages over his heart. Her mouth gently dropped open. All over, she could feel a tingling in her limbs. It was him. If she were blind and deaf and half dead she would know it was him. "Mulder?" her voice was so soft she was certain that only she could hear it. Linda had stood. "What the hell are you doing up?" she asked, her expression darkening like a thunderhead. Her sharp words directed at the man in the doorway. "The doctor ordered to stay in bed.." He didn't pay any attention to Linda whatsoever. His eyes were locked with hers. He was alive. Oh god. It was..she..she couldn't describe the feelings that were flooding her body. Somehow they had both done it again. One bandaged hand rose of its own volition..stretching towards him. Linda was forgotten and Scully didn't even notice the door shut gently behind the woman. "Scully.." his voice was so thin. And then he was there, kneeling by her bedside, his face in her lap, his good arm clutching her to him so tightly she could hardly take a full breath. She was running her hands through the silk of his hair, across the too-thin shoulders, convincing herself that he was real, that he was whole. She saw tears of his own wetting his cheeks and she suddenly tore the bandages off her hands so that she could feel him under her scabbed fingertips, filling the sensitive skin of her palms with his cheek.. running over his lips, his delicate eyelids..the soft skin of his throat. She could feel his warm hands on her sides, slipping up her back and curling over her thin shoulders..stroking down her arms. His lips were at her cheek, her ear, her eyes..her mouth. He was real. He was alive. Sobbing almost painfully, she curled herself into his embrace and let herself listen to the beautiful, simple music of his heartbeat. Again. Again, death retreated to its corner..still there, still hovering. But cheated once again. ++++ ++++++++ Epilogue ++++++++ Linda stamped her feet wearily at the entryway, ridding her boots of excess snow. Really, next year she was moving to California. Really. She tucked the box up under her arm more firmly and headed for the elevator, humming tunelessly. Slipping inside she hit her floor and leaned back against the dimly polished steel of the wall. Winter notwithstanding, it was a good day. Her meeting with the Hospital Director had gone better than well. Impressed with her initiative and actions regarding what was now called a "Terrible Tragedy", she'd gotten a promotion to Head Nurse of the ICU and a hefty raise and bonus. Lots to smile about. The elevator dinged on the third floor and she stepped out with a spring to her step. She would buy a big TV, she decided. She'd always wanted one of those things. Not like she had time to watch it, but Wonderbread would appreciate the new place to sleep. She knocked lightly on the door nearest to the nurse's station and was rewarded with a light voice calling her to enter. She stepped inside, peering at the occupant and her unauthorized visitor. "Can't you stay in your damned bed?" she asked a little sharply, frowning at the escapee. He shrugged. "I got bored." Fox Mulder was sitting in a chair next to Dana Scully's bedside, his bare feet propped up on the edge of the bed, clicking through the channels the hospital offered methodically. He had what looked like a box of candy open in his lap and he was going through them ..breaking them open one by one..apparently hunting for something specific. Dana was sitting up in bed, eyeing him almost indulgently, a pretty yellow and brown scarf tied around her forehead..hiding the bandages and the shaving. "You know Mulder, my mom sent those for me." Dana said, frowning at him as he went through the box systematically. "And you can have 'em." he said, setting the box of massacred chocolates on her lap. "None of them are the good kind." She sighed and pushed the candy aside, her eyes lighting on the box that Linda was carrying. "What's that?" she asked, curious. Linda could see that she'd managed to attract her partner's attention as well. First things first. She pulled the newpaper off the top of the box, tossing it down onto Dana's knees. "Thought you'd want to see the attention you got." she said. The front page of the New Jersey Tribune had her badge Id photo on the front page alongside a distance shot of Essex. The headline read "Madman Uncovered In Decade Long Murder Spree". Dana's eyebrows rose. "Do they mention you at all?" she murmered, her eyes scanning the article. Linda shrugged, still not smiling. "A few times. This is the part you should read.." she pointed to the second to last paragraph. Both the woman and her partner pointed their eyes where she indicated. '...following the subsequent rescue and treatment of the FBI agent, Sheriff Lloyd Parker was suspended without pay from his postition when a reporter took note of the missing woman's photo pinned to the bulletin board in the Police Station. Apparently neither he nor his men checked the 'Missing Persons' board, even when they were confronted with a woman they could not ID..." Dana's eyes rose to meet her partner's..and to Linda's surprise, they both began to chuckle. The nurse shook her head, clearly they were both too tired to be as furious as they ought to be. She set the box down on the foot of the bed and opened the flaps. "Hey, my jacket.." Mulder exclaimed, then stopped with a frown as Dana's face went suddenly blank. She pulled the jacket out of the box and slowly buried her face in it. Mulder shifted onto the bed suddenly, his good arm coming around her, his brow creased in a frown. Even in her pain, Dana Scully seemed grounded..strong..when her partner was at her side. She hadn't realized until she'd seen them together, that the people she had known so briefly before were mere shadows of their selves. They became whole in each other's presence. She had talked to the woman earlier yesterday and the redhead had confessed that she had not yet spoken to her partner about her experience with her kidnapper.. or at the hospital. Not like she'd told Linda anything either..and, frankly, she had no desire to know. She didn't want nightmares for the rest of her life. The door into the dark lives that these two led was one she wanted to remain firmly shut. Suddenly Dana was putting the jacket back in the box and pulling out the last thing that Linda had placed in there. Frowning, she lifted up a thick manila folder that had been closed with several straining rubber bands. Her partner's arm dropped from her shoulder to lean in closer so he could see what it was. "Kuelman's notes." She explained. "I figured you might want them. They're just copies of course..but the investigators found them yesterday night in a hidden drawer in his desk. They explain what he thought he was doing." She folded her arms and shook her head, going on. "He was trying to place what he thought was the essence of his murdered brother Howard into someone else. He was positive that he could transplant *memories* and therefore identity out of one person and into another. He honestly though the ECF fluid he had extracted from his little brother in the '40s would bring the kid back to life..in you. All the other people he killed in some stage of the process of trying to blank out the neural pathways that memory is stored in. He was certifiably insane. Claims he saw his brother all the time." Linda didn't dare mention the little boy she'd thought *she'd* seen in the operating room. These agents would think she was as crazy as Kuelman was. "He thought he could take memories out of one person and put them another?" Agent Mulder seemed oddly fascinated. "I'm not even sure that works in *theory*." "This guy was nutso, Mr. Mulder." Linda said, cranking her mouth to one side. "I mean he killed his little brother...suffocated him and drove a goddamned needle into his brain. You shouldn't look for reason from him, Agent Mulder." She thought she saw Dana roll her eyes as she snapped the rubber bands aside and began shuffling through the doctor's notes. "I saw that look.." Mulder said, his notable lower lip pouting out just slightly. "What look?" Dana asked innocently, rifling through the papers with a little smile on her lips. It was the first evidence of a real smile that Linda had seen on the woman's lips since she'd first laid eyes on her. That settled that. Dana would be fine. She watched them sitting on the bed for a moment, their heads bent close together over the notes..arguing quietly over different portions with comfortable ease. And it was only a moment or two later when Dana began to talk quietly. Linda knew she was telling a story that did not start with a 'Once Upon A Time', but ..for now...did have a happy ending. She backed slowly out of the room, letting them talk it out, letting Dana slowly spill the fear and the loneliness that living with no identity had imbued her with, in private. Letting her share it with the other half of herself so that she would never be that alone again. Closing the door quietly behind her, she went to find the duty nurse to tell her to give room 312 a little privacy for a while. At least as long as it took to relate a tale of lost and found memories. And when Dana was through, she suspected that her partner would have a story to tell of his own. END